Excerpts from features, Taste and Efficacy of Common Food and medicine Homologous Materials

The information collected on this website comes from online materials. Relevant laws and regulations and expressions of food, drug, taste and efficacy are subject to national laws and regulations.

foodmaterial(homologous food and medicine) material characteristics: (from the Chinese Pharmacopoeia)

1 Polygonatum odoratum: nourishing yin and moistening dryness, promoting body fluid to quench thirst.

2 Poria: diuresis and dampness, invigorating spleen and calming heart.

3 Angelica dahurica: relieve cold, dispel wind and relieve pain, publicize nasal orifice, dry dampness and stop band, reduce swelling and drain

4 roses: to relieve depression, blood and pain.

5 peach kernel: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, moistening intestines and laxative, relieving cough and asthma.

6 Coix seed: diuresis and dampness, invigorate the spleen and stop diarrhea, remove arthralgia, discharge pus, detoxify and dispel.

7 dandelion: clearing away heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and resolving knots, diuresis and leaching.


foodmaterialcharacteristics:(from "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" and "Chinese Materia Medica", etc.)

1 Polygonatum odoratum: nourishing yin and moistening dryness, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst

2 Poria cocos: diuresis, moisture, spleen and heart.

3 Neuggets: invigorating the stomach to eliminate food, astringent essence to stop the legacy, Tonglin fossil.

4 Hawthorn: Eliminating food and strengthening the week, promoting qi and dispelling blood stasis, removing turbidity and lowering lipids.

5 yam: tonifying spleen and stomach, promoting body fluid and lung, tonifying kidney and astringent essence.

6 Coix seed: invigorating spleen and dampness, removing arthralgia and stopping diarrhea, clearing away heat and purging pus

7 Nutmeg: warm and moderate to promote qi, astringent intestines to stop diarrhea.

8 white lentils: invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, and relieving heat.

9 Platycodon grandiflorum: lung, pharynx, expectorant, pus discharge

10 Amomum villosum: removing dampness and appetizing, warming spleen and stopping diarrhea, regulating qi.

11 malt: promoting qi and promoting digestion, invigorating spleen and appetizing, returning milk to eliminate swelling


food characteristics: (from "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" and "Chinese Herbs" records)

1 Gardenia: Purging fire to relieve trouble, clearing heat and diuresis, cooling blood and detoxifying; External use reduces swelling and relieves pain.

2 Hovenia dares: cure drunkenness, irritability, thirst, vomiting, and disadvantageous urination.

3 Mulberry Leaves: Evacuate wind and heat, clear lung and moisten dryness, clear liver and improve eyesight.

4 mulberry: nourishing yin and enriching blood, promoting body fluid and moistening dryness.

5 Chrysanthemum: dispelling wind and clearing heat, calming liver and improving eyesight, clearing heat and detoxification.

6 Jujube Seed: Nourishing the heart and nourishing the liver, calming the heart and calming the nerves, gathering sweat, and promoting body fluid.

7 Polygonatum odoratum: nourishing yin and moistening dryness, promoting body fluid to quench thirst.

8 Coix seed: diuresis and dampness, invigorate the spleen and stop diarrhea, remove arthralgia, discharge pus, detoxify and dispel.

9 silkworm chrysalis: killing insects and treating chancre; To produce body fluid and quench thirst.



foodmaterialcharacteristics:(from Chinese Pharmacopoeia)

1 Polygonatum odoratum: nourishing yin and moistening dryness, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst

2 Poria: diuresis and dampness, invigorating spleen and calming heart

3 Angelica dahurica: relieve the surface and dispel cold, dispel wind and relieve pain, publicize the nose, dry dampness and stop the band, reduce swelling and discharge pus

4 roses and 4 roses: to relieve depression, blood and pain

5 peach kernel: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, moistening intestines and laxative, relieving cough and asthma

6 donkey-hide gelatin: tonifying blood and nourishing yin, moistening dryness and stopping bleeding

7 Jujube (jujube): tonifying the middle and replenishing qi, nourishing blood and calming the mind

8 Semen Ziziphi Spinosae: nourishing the heart and nourishing the liver, calming the mind, gathering sweat, and promoting body fluid

9 medlar: nourishing liver and kidney, benefiting eyesight


the following authentic medicinal materials: (from the records of "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" and "Chinese Herbs")

1 Polygonatum odoratum: nourishing yin and moistening dryness, promoting body fluid to quench thirst.

2 dandelion: clearing away heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and resolving knots, diuresis and leaching.

3 Platycodon grandiflorum: lung, pharynx, expectorant, pus discharge

4 almonds: lowering qi, relieving cough and asthma, moistening intestines and laxative.

5 hawthorn: digestion and stomach, qi and blood stasis, turbidity and lipid lowering.

6 ebony: converging lungs, astringent intestines, promoting fluid production, and ascariae.

7 orange: regulate qi wide, dry dampness and reduce phlegm.

8 Mint: Evacuate wind and heat, clear the boss, clear the throat, penetrate the rash, soothe the liver and promote qi.

9 licorice: tonifying the spleen and replenishing qi, clearing away heat and detoxifying, eliminating phlegm and relieving cough, relieving urgency and pain, and reconciling various drugs


the efficacy of the following medicinal materials: (from the records of "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" and "Chinese Herbs")

1 Polygonatum odoratum: nourishing yin and moistening dryness, promoting body fluid to quench thirst.

2 Poria: diuresis and dampness, invigorating spleen and calming heart.

3 Hui coix seed: diuresis and dampness, invigorate the spleen and stop diarrhea, remove arthralgia, discharge pus, detoxify and dispel.

4 euryale fruit: tonifying kidney and strengthening essence, tonifying spleen and stopping diarrhea, dehumidification and stopping band.

5 Polygonatum: tonifying qi and nourishing yin, invigorating spleen, moistening lung and benefiting kidney.

6 yam: tonifying spleen and stomach, promoting body fluid and lung, tonifying kidney and astringent essence.

7 Cordyceps militaris: benefiting the lungs, replenishing the essence and filling the marrow, stopping bleeding and resolving phlegm

8 Yizhiren: warm the kidney, strengthen the sperm and shrink the urine, warm the spleen and stop diarrhea and take saliva.

9 medlar: nourishing liver and kidney, benefiting eyesight.

10 Deer Skin Gum: Indications for tonifying qi, astringency and deficiency of essence, strengthening muscles and bones.

11 Black Beans:tonify kidney and yin, invigorate spleen and dampness, remove heat and detoxify, and beautify and beautify.

12 walnut kernel:tonifying kidney and meridian, warming lung and relieving asthma, moistening intestines and laxative

13:warming, middle and lower qi; Regret the intestines and stomach; Antiemesis; Tonifying the kidney and tonifying the yuan


the efficacy of the following medicinal materials: (from the records of "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" and "Chinese Herbs")

1 Polygonatum odoratum: nourishing yin and moistening dryness, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst

2 Poria: Diuresis, Dampness, Spleen and Heart

3 Endoceella gallinella: invigorating the stomach and eliminating food, astringent essence to stop the remains, Tonglin fossil

4 Platycodon grandiflorum: lung, pharynx, expectorant, pus discharge

5 Amomum villosum: removing dampness and appetizing, warming spleen and stopping diarrhea, regulating qi

6 malt: promoting qi and promoting digestion, invigorating spleen and appetizing, returning milk to eliminate swelling

7 Oyster: Anshen, Qianyang, Yin, Soft and Hard

8 Ginger: Relieve the surface and dispel cold, warm the middle to relieve vomiting, resolve phlegm and relieve cough, relieve fish and crab poison

9 Clove: warming down reverse, tonifying kidney and helping yang

10 rice (millet): invigorating the spleen and eliminating food, and calming the mind

11 ginseng: tonifying vitality, consolidating pulse, tonifying spleen and lung, promoting body fluid, nourishing blood, calming the mind and improving intelligence

12 perilla seed (perilla seed): lowering qi and resolving phlegm, relieving cough and asthma, moistening intestines and laxative

13 Coix seed: invigorating the spleen and infiltrating dampness, removing arthralgia and stopping diarrhea, clearing away heat and purging pus

14 dandelion: clearing away heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and resolving knots, diuresis and leaching

15 Hericium erinaceus (Hericium erinaceus): invigorating the spleen and nourishing the stomach, calming the nerves and fighting cancer








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