Taijiquan is slow, what does it play for?

Do you have a feeling of stiffness, shoulder and neck discomfort, carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? , it is your mental stress or your body is sedentary.

Do you have a daily work after you feel exhausted and go home with a tired body? This is your lack of kinetic energy, energy depletion, you are not a lack of food, but a lack of blood oxygen, perhaps your office is too closed or too many people in the same room, you need to open the chest na oxygen.

Do you have difficulty concentrating and too many thoughts keep repeating in a loop? This is your mind is restless or disturbed by life's emotions in your inner world, your mind needs a moment of forgetfulness and peace.

What is the best way to solve these questions, my answer is Taijiquan, if you understand what exactly Taijiquan is practicing.



BODY BUILDING mental cultivation

1. Stretch the tendons and pull out the bones

1. Relax: sink shoulder, elbow, empty chest,  waist, fall hip, focus on Dantian

2. Growth flexibility

2. Relieve anxiety:  to be quiet and selflessness, meditation

3. Increase vital capacity and oxygen volume

3.activates nervous system, close outside open inside concious

4. Reduce stiffness and activate muscle fascia

4.premonition prophet puzzle, quantum interaction of consciousness

5. focus on Dantian, turbo the  qi and blood.

5 inteligent to higher dimension,  to upper realm and  soul dimension

strongthen tendons, muscles, qi, blood, bones

cultivation of mind ,spirit to harmonize with universe




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