Why should pregnant woman choose flax seeds oil for salad food?

In recent years, in supermarkets across the country in the edible oil display, emerged a new class of oil, much loved by customers, that is, flaxseed oil. Flaxseed (also known as caraway seed) is an annual herb, the seed of flax. This small, reddish-brown fruit has an extremely nutty flavor, even in baked goods.

In fact, many European countries regularly use this grain in almost all food products, such as cookies, cakes, and breads. The most popular of the flaxseeds is flaxseed oil.

More than half of the fatty acids in flaxseed oil is α-linolenic acid, α-linolenic acid is an Ω3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and the active ingredients of fish oil, EPA and DHA can be considered the same family. Because fish oil has water pollution concerns, α linolenic acid from plants in the body into EPA and DHA, more "green and safe".

Another great feature of flaxseed is the dietary fiber, which is more than a quarter of the total. Soluble dietary fiber can take away some cholesterol, especially for people with high cholesterol levels, the effect is still more obvious. In addition, dietary fiber fills the stomach but cannot be digested and absorbed, thus helping to reduce calorie intake. From this perspective, it is also reasonable to say that it is conducive to weight loss.

Flaxseed has a substance called lignans. This substance binds to the estrogen receptor in the human body and is known as "phytoestrogen". For those who need estrogen supplementation, this "natural estrogen" seems to be more attractive.

One very notable thing about deep sea fish oil is the mercury content. Every species of fish has a certain amount of mercury in it, and it's not hard to imagine that the higher up the food chain the fish is, the higher the cumulative amount of mercury in its body. So taking or eating fish on a regular basis carries some risk of mercury poisoning, so the smaller the size of the fish you eat, the better.

So, how to pick flaxseed oil

Simple method.

1, look at the label

Organic certification, non-GMO, processing technology: low temperature cold pressed. Quality level: a (domestic highest standard of oil for the first level, imported olive oil only extra virgin grade) production date: of course, the closer the better, so that the acidity is low, the oil antioxidant active!

2, look at the packaging, the general low-temperature cold pressed oil in dark bottles, light preservation

3, flaxseed oil nutritional content table: linolenic acid content, the higher the better, eat flaxseed oil to eat is linolenic acid.

Cooking oil in our daily life is essential, so choose the right oil for the health of the whole family is very important. Eat less oil, eat the right oil, is the basic guarantee of a healthy life. 

as smoke point of flax seed oil is low, it is better use for salad and low temperature cooking. and choose camellia oil for fried cooking as its smoking pioint is above 200 C. degree


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